On the 12th and 13th January, 2016 in Los Angeles ( California ) a Congress organized from the “Sherman Foundation”
(see www.mct8.info) with the participation of Dr. Visser from Holland and other US Doctors.
Dear Parents,
You are invited to the 2016 MCT8 Conference will be held on the 12-13 of January 2016 at the Ritz Carlton, Marina Del Ray, Los Angeles, California, USA.
This is mostly scientific forum featuring a multidisciplinary discourse on the knowledge and treatment of AHDS.
The format will be as follows:
- Drinks will be held on the evening of the 12th.
- The presentations will be on the 13th from 8:30 am to about 6:00 pm.
- There may be an extra morning session on the 14th (not sure).
RSVP accommodation through Natalie Lotkin cc’d and +61(2)93570777
Also, please forward to any other parents you are in contact with.
Hope to see you there,
Dror Ben-Ami and Brian Sherman