Il 12 e 13 Gennaio 2016 a Los Angeles (California),  convegno organizzato dalla fondazione Sherman Foundation

Anche per questo convegno è prevista la partecipazione del Dott. Visser.


Dear Parents,
You are invited to the 2016 MCT8 Conference will be held on the 12-13 of January 2016 at the Ritz Carlton, Marina Del Ray, Los Angeles, California, USA.
This is mostly scientific forum featuring a multidisciplinary discourse on the knowledge and treatment of AHDS.

The format will be as follows:

  • Drinks will be held on the evening of the 12th.
  • The presentations will be on the 13th from 8:30 am to about 6:00 pm.
  • There may be an extra morning session on the 14th (not sure).

RSVP accommodation through Natalie Lotkin cc’d and +61(2)93570777

Also, please forward to any other parents you are in contact with.

Hope to see you there,
Dror Ben-Ami and Brian Sherman